Sunday, March 31, 2013


Maybe it is because I just lost my Grandma or maybe it's because its almost Easter, but for whatever reason tonight at church as we were singing Remember by Tim Hughes, I started thinking about what Jesus' funeral would be like if he died today! How many people would show up to share stories and memories? How many people would come because He impacted their lives?

At my Grandma's funeral, so many family and friends had stories to share about her life, about how well she loved and about the impact she had on their lives. I have shared stories and memories with people that never met her and I will continue to! I can't wait to share with Makayla how much her Great-Grammy loved holding her, how she sang to her and even wanted to hide Makayla in her room at the nursing home! I will remember, I will share her stories, not for my glory, but so that people can get a glimpse of who she was!

Shouldn't we be even more willing to share about Christ? If you were going to His funeral and had to share memories and stories about how He has changed your life and impacted you, what would you say? Would those stories and memories stop after we leave that funeral? After we step foot out of the church, should we stop boasting about Christ? This might seem like a silly analogy for me to be making, but it really hit me how we are quick to share how much special people in ours lives have impacted us, but are we that quick to share what Christ has done for us?

So that is my goal this Easter season, not only to remember His life but also to share the impact He has had on my life and to share the story of the cross!  I will REMEMBER!!