Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I lay here cuddled up beneath my warm blankets and listen to my sweet 16 month old giggle and "talk" to one stuffed animal friend or another in the next room. It's 6 am and I am certain that she probably just woke up to the sound of her Daddy getting ready to go out hunting and she will soon drift back off to sleep, however I can't help but smile and thank The Lord for so many blessings! She is happy and healthy, thriving and walking (FINALLY), and soon this little one growing inside me will join our little family and our blessings will overflow even more! I've been thinking a lot the last few days about how our family of 3 will soon be a memory, how having only one child will soon fade away and we will become a family of 4! I worry that maybe Makayla will struggle to adjust to the new baby and not being the center of Mommy's attention anymore. I worry that maybe having another baby so soon after the first was a crazy idea. I worry that maybe between the craziness of being a Mommy to two under the age of 2 that maybe my marriage will not be as strong as it once was. But then I hear her giggle and I know that all will be right with my little world! Sure, there will be a transition from one to two kids and sure MJ will probably struggle a little, but someday these girls will be best friends and amazingly close sisters. Sure, people around us will probably think we ARE crazy when I carry a newborn baby in one hand and have the little fingers of my toddler wrapped around a finger on my other hand as she toddles her way around and sure the dynamic of our marriage will not be what it once was as newlyweds! But again I hear her talk to her "friends" and I know The Lord has been so good to us and the blessing of this new little life that will soon enter the world will not be a hindrance on my family or marriage but an extra special blessing for all of us!! So today instead of choosing to embrace the worrys and the what-if's of this new life, I will chose to embrace the blessing that she is going to be to us and the joy that she will bring our family and I will KNOW that The Lord is good and faithful to be our source of strength and GRACE through this crazy season of our lives!!! And I KNOW I am SO blessed!!