Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Baby Brother!

(note: this was not taken at tonight's race!)

Today I watched my little brother run in a 5K, probably the last race that I will get to watch him run, because truth be told, coming up from Texas for a race every Tuesday isn't really feasible. This 5k was extra special for a couple reasons, 5 high school students organized this run all by themselves! They did it for an amazing cause, Samaritan's Purse! They called this race living water, because that is what they will do, provide water for African communities that are in need! I was so proud of these 5 students and all the work they did to put on such an event!

LinkAlthough, as this race began tonight, the clouds began to grow dark, the rain began to fall, first gently and then harder, the wind began to blow and soon, as they were only a little bit into the race, the tornado sirens began to wale. The runners (and walkers - doing a 1 mile family walk) continued and pushed through!! It went from 80's to 60's very quickly, the rain kept coming and the wind blew strong. As I thought about my brother and his life right now, I have a feeling that sometimes he feels much like he did during that race tonight, that everything is against him! The rain will come, the wind will blow and at times the sirens will wale, but there is a finish line in the distance, you just have to keep pushing through to get there! Just like you give every race your all and you don't give up, do the same in life, keep pushing, keep fighting, keep struggling through the pain, for soon there will be a finish line and you will have made it through that race! The sun will shine again, the clouds will part and the birds will chirp, there will be brighter days, you just have to push through the storm to get there!! I love you little buddy and even though I may not be here physically to cheer you on both in running races and life races, know that I am always cheering for you in my heart and will pray for you often! You've got this kid...this race...this can do it!!! You serve a God that will pull you through every storm life throws your way!!!

"Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us" - Hebrews 12:1

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Trinity Youth Ministry

In the fall of 1998 I joined Trinity's Youth Ministry for the very first time, as a young 7th grade girl, under the care of Dan and Kelly Schimdt! They both left such a huge mark on my life, not only in the way that they did ministry, but in the way that they loved one another and loved their children. Lee Stephenson was a youth intern during my Jr. High Years, became Asst. Youth Pastor my Freshman year and took over the whole youth ministry after Dan and Kelly followed the Lord's calling to Colorado the summer between my Junior/Senior year. Lee was awesome, I learned so much from him and watched his relationship with his Bride, Melissa unfold and their marriage blossom. Melissa was a riot, I don't think that I have ever had so many good laughs with a leader like I shared with Melissa. She was such a woman of God and an amazing example to all of us young girls as to what a Bride looks like, not only a Bride to her husband, but also a Bride to Christ. After my Senior year of high school Lee and Melissa moved to Arizona where Lee is currently a Pastor! Most people would think that my story should end there...I mean that was the end of my year as a student in Trinity's Youth Group, little did I know then, but it was far from the end of my role in Trinity's Youth Ministry. I was a small group leader under Dave and Becky Daye for 3 years, I learned alot from them as I watched them balance family and ministry together! John Ferguson came on staff to serve alongside Dave during the summer of 2005 during Last Blast! We were put on the same team that year and he nick named me captain. I knew during that week that this servant of God would be alot of fun as an addition to the Trinity Youth Ministry team, I just never would have imagined it would have been any more than being a small group leader on Wednesday nights. When Dave and Becky announced that God had called them to leave and go serve in Connecticut, I began to pray for the youth ministry alot! So many changes of youth pastors in so few years, I knew how hard it was for me as a student when Dan left, and here some of these students have now gone through several youth pastor's. When my phone rang on a Sunday night in May 2007 and the name popped up Fergy (aka John Ferguson) I never imagined he would be asking me to come on staff under him as a youth intern. Through out the 4 years I served under John, with other interns, Steve Olson, Michael Yoder, Taylor Harsch, Mike Lee and Sarah Stauss, each intern team worked differently together and each had their own strengths and weaknesses, but I learned SO much through all of those times. I watched John and Erin fall in love, get married and bring one precious life into the world and am sad that I will miss the baby stages of Baby Fergy #2! They taught me so much and helped me become who I am today. Tonight I sat on stage and looked out at a crowd of students, some that have been around for awhile and some only a few short months, but as I said good-bye and left them with words of wisdom, in my heart I was speaking them to each and every student that I have ever had the honor and privilege to serve. I may have been the leader, but those students taught me so much and for that I am forever grateful!! From a group of 4 small group girls that are now off in college seeking the face of the Lord, to a young group of Sophomore girls who still have so much to endure, to each and every student that I have ever known....THANK YOU...for teaching me far more than I could have ever taught you!! Thank you to Trinity's youth group, from the leaders that taught to me when I was in high school to the leaders that I have stood beside every Wednesday for the past 4 years!! I have been so blessed and my heart is filled with so many memories! I can't wait to embark upon the next journey that the Lord has for me, but ending a chapter is always a bittersweet thing to do, however the time has come for me to turn the page! Good-bye Trinity Student Ministries, you will forever hold a dear place in my heart!!


(aka Captain)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day!

In less than a month I am getting married to the most amazing guy in the world! Although I am so very excited to begin my life with Christopher, today I can't help but think about my Mom, and the fact that in 27 short days I will leave my father and mother and become one with my husband! My Mom has been the best mother that a girl could ask for! In the last 7 months of wedding planning and medical hoopla, we have become very close! She has gone with me to numerous doctor appointments, been there for me before and after surgeries, doctored me up, and most recently went with me while I had my biopsy done on Friday! Although I knew that Mom was scared and nervous for me, her strength was amazing! We got the call an hour ago that the lump was benign!! (Thank you Jesus!!) She has helped me so much with all the wedding planning and getting everything figured out. She has always been my greatest supporter in everything that I do! We laugh together, we cry together, we can talk about anything with each other!! I am so very blessed to have the best mother in the whole wide world! I know that after I get married our relationship will change, but it is my hope and prayer that through the distance and everything else, that our relationship is only strengthened!! Thanks Mom for loving me unconditionally, forever!!! I love you!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Once upon a time, there was this girl, she loved Jesus with all her heart!!

She was determined to live her life for His glory.

She met a boy, this boy loved Jesus too!!

They fell in love and he asked her to be his wife!

They were called to be missionaries in Africa!!

This made Jesus really happy, to see a couple serving Him with their lives!!

But it made the devil very angry!!

You see the devil knew that this couple was going to do huge things for Jesus,

so the devil tried very hard to tear this couple apart!!

The devil failed and this couple was less than 2 months from their wedding,

the devil needed a plan and fast,

let's weaken this woman, so that she can not serve the Lord fully....

She had to have foot surgery...

she had to have wisdom teeth removed...

and now she has to have a biopsy of a lump found in her breast...

but you see...the devil....he is NOT winning....because this couple,


The devil does NOT have a foot hold in my life and I will not let all of his little tactics that he is throwing my way scare me, because my God is far stronger!!!