Thursday, April 7, 2011

My new Profession: Juggling!!

I only wish that the type of juggling I am talking about could look that happy-go-lucky. You see, the juggling that I am talking about is the juggling of every day stuff. I am 58 days away from being a Bride and there is so much still to be done for the wedding. I am 2 weeks away from finishing 2 more classes at Bethel and there are papers and quizzes and books to read. I have 2 upcoming surgeries, so have to figure out how juggling life on crutches and pain meds will work. I have 5 more weeks of work at the bank and don't want to check out early. My last night at UNITED is in 5 and a half weeks and those students still need me.

Amidst all this juggling I want my main focus to be Christ. I want my juggling act to be Christ and the parts of the world that He wants me to reach. I want my juggling act to not be self-centered as it seems to be right now, but to be the things He has for me. That is my prayer right now, that my focus would be on Christ, even in the hustle and bustle that life is.

1 comment:

  1. Em- happily stumbled upon your blog tonight!!! What a joy (combined with tears!) to read all about what God has done and is continuing to do in your heart over the past several years. You have always had a special place in my heart- your absolute commitment to serving Jesus, your passionate love for others, your sweet spirit. I am beyond thrilled for you as you prepare to be a bride AND for your heart for Africa. God is going to use you (and Christopher!) in amazing ways. I know this with certainty and I cannot wait to watch what he does. All my love (and hang in there- you will make it!)!!!
