Thursday, April 5, 2012

Married for 10 months and 5 months pregnanat!!!

Where has the time gone? Yesterday my husband and I celebrated 10 wonderful months of marriage!! As I think back to our wedding day and the days, weeks and months leading up to it, it seems strange to think that it has been 10 months since all of that. It was such a beautiful day and I couldn’t have asked for it to have gone any better! It doesn’t seem possible that it has been 10 months since I walked into that Sanctuary and looked at my future husband and watched as his eyes welled up with tears. We had done it, we had made it to that day that had been anticipated for months, even years – we were going to be married later that evening. We would stand in front of family and friends and our God and make a lifetime commitment to each other. In a matter of hours we would say our vows, wash each other’s feet, say “I do,” he would kiss me and we would walk out of the sanctuary hand in hand and begin our real journey together! Our life!

Fast forward to today – married for 10 months, expecting our first child in 4 more months, and serving the Lord together in South Sudan!! I wouldn’t change a thing! Standing beside my husband in ministry, working together with him to accomplish the things that the Lord is calling us to do is such an honor! To stop and think that the Lord handpicked ME to walk through life with this man, I am far undeserving of such a privilege! So with 4 more months until our lives are drastically changed again, my husband and I are enjoying this life and praising God for such a honor – to serve Him together as husband and wife, to shine His light in the darkness, to walk hand in hand through this journey!!

1 comment:

  1. soo very proud of you,em! amazed at what you and chris are doing..THROUGH the power of our MIGHTY GOD working in you both! you are a vessel He is using! i pray daily for your protection,strength,rest,and wisdom.
    love you!
    aunt patty
