Friday, July 6, 2012

Guessing game!!!

Okay, tomorrow puts us at the 38 week mark, meaning that our little baby girl, Makayla Joy will be here before you know it!! Are you ready to have a little fun? I just thought it would be fun to play a little guessing game, it might help the next few weeks go by a bit faster for this Mama! :-) Comment on this post with the date and time you think little Makayla will make her apperance along with how much she will weigh and how long she will be!! The winner will get....the joy of knowing they were right!! :-D


  1. I am going to guess:
    July 17th at 10pm
    7 pounds 6 oz
    21 inches
    (Stacey Haubold)

  2. July 20th (1 day early and AFTER Grammy arrives!)
    4:28 p.m.
    7 pounds 4 ounces
    20 inches

  3. July 23rd
    7:23 pm
    7 pounds even
    17 inches

    -Uncle Steve :)

  4. 7.3 pounds on the 19th and I don't think we're fishing but she will be short like her mother I'm sure.

  5. July 24
    2:02 am

    Aunt Sara

  6. (Not so much a guess, just hoping because it is a good day)
    July 20th 2:30 AM (The night after the worship night so you can be sure to be rested).
    7 pounds 4.5 ounces
    20.1 inches

    Makayla, we are no longer on African time so please don't be too late. (Although I am sure mommy would agree, "better late than never"). We all are excited to meet you.

    Auntie Nicole

  7. This is not the date that I am hoping for but my guess is:
    July 28th
    at 4:30 a.m.
    7 pounds 4 ounces
    19 inches

    Like I said, this is not the date I'm hoping for, I hope for everyone anxiously awaiting Makayla's arrival I'm wrong. :)

    Excited Grandma
