Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sweet Baby Girl (Part 2)

Dear Sweet Baby Girl,

Well, you have a name now, Makayla Joy Mullins and you are beyond loved by so many people. We made it to July, the month you are supposed to make your big appearance!! We are still getting some things situated around here and according to the calculations you still have 3 more weeks of growing to do in me, so don't be in any hurry to come out!! ;-)

I have been thinking back over the last 8 months:

- knowing I was pregnant, even when the first test came back negative
- taking another test last than a week later and seeing 2 lines!!
- breaking the news to your Daddy who was so very excited!!
- taking sweet pictures in the YWAM field, so that we could share our news with everyone!
- making a big announcement on Thanksgiving!!
- our first doctor appt - hearing your sweet little heart beat for the first time!
- months of morning sickness (you sure weren't always very nice to your Momma :-)
- spending time in Indiana over Christmas and getting to show off my ever so slight baby bump!
- meeting our midwife for the first time (she's really sweet, you are gonna like her!)
- Daddy and Mommy both putting in notices at work so we could leave for Africa!
- packing up our house into a small storage unit
- preparing for our 3 months in Sudan!
- finding out on Valentine's day that you were a GIRL!!! :-)
- visiting family in Indiana for a few days before Africa
- taking your very first plane ride(s) - those were a long few days!!
- sleeping on the floor in a church in Juba as we tried for days to make it to Wau!
- finally arriving in Wau and starting to really make it home!
- tons of ups and downs all through out our time in Wau
- having your Daddy find your heart beat every week or so, just to hear that steady beat
- feeling you kick for the first time
- months of on and off UTI's - ( those were really not fun in Africa, over squatty potties)
- praying for you constantly as I did and ate things that most pregnant women wouldn't do!
- finding your name and knowing it was perfect for YOU!!
- walking many many miles all the time (you would always kick and be so happy when Mommy finally laid down to rest! :-)
- loving on and praying for the South Sudanese people
- having to walk away from a sweet Grandmother who begged us to take her precious grandchild, knowing that this was not God's will for her or for us and trusting that God will continue to take care of that sweet baby!
- Swollen feet, ankles, fingers - alot of that was due to the excessive heat!
- watching as the Northern bomber plane flew over our city
- preparing to leave Sudan a month earlier than we planned
- feeling so very at peace while your Daddy worked really hard to make sure we got out safely!
- getting back to Indiana 2 weeks after we felt like we were to leave
- spending a month with your Grammy and Poppy - just relaxing and enjoying precious time with family
-  grieving the loss of my sweet cousin Melinda - (she would have loved you Makayla)
- watching your Uncle Timmy graduate from high school!
- Baby Shower number 1 - thrown by your Aunt Sara and cousins Kayleigh and Kinsey! - it was really cute, lots of monkeys! :-)
- buying our trailer - our home - your first home (it may be small, but Makayla it is filled with love and joy!)
- your Daddy and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary!! (1 year down, only 99 more to go ;-) I am sure you will hear that joke many times in your lifetime!
- moving back to Texas!!
- making the trailer, the shed and your Grandma and Grandpa's back yard our home! (your Daddy worked really really hard to make it all work - you should be proud of him! ;-)
- Baby Shower number 2 - thrown by your 3 Texas Aunts - Michelle, Nicole, and Jana and several of the sweet ladies from Soma! (we spent some precious time praying for your Grammy's complete healing!)
- Washing all your clothes, sanitizing bottles, preparing a space for YOU!!

WHEW!! What a crazy 8 months those were and we wait! We only have a few weeks left sweet girl, and I know that they will fly by so you keep growing and thriving in there and come meet us whenever you are ready, we sure can't wait to meet you!! Remember that your Grammy is coming on July 16th, so if you can wait till after that she would really appreciate it! ;-)

Your Daddy and I love you a lot and are SO very excited to see what the next few months have in store for us, one thing is for sure - this life we are living is nothing short of a crazy adventure that the Lord is taking us on and we can't wait to share that adventure with you!!

I love you my sweet little monkey,


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