Friday, January 20, 2012

American Comforts vs African Blessing

As we have begun selling furniture and packing up our house, I have found myself thinking alot of the American comforts that I am soon to be giving up and going without. While I don't think it is horrible of me to be thinking about things I will miss, I have found myself dwelling on these things, instead of preparing my heart for the things that the Lord has for me in Africa. So I have decided to make a list....well...two actually...the first one will be a list of those American comforts that I will miss, and then for every American comfort that I have I am going to come up with one blessing or thing that I am looking forward to about Africa. My goal is to hopefully at the end of this be more excited about what the Lord is going to do and dwelling less on the things He is asking me to give up! So here goes nothing!

American Comforts (or just things I will miss)
  1. Milk and Ice Cream - these have become staples in my diet the last few weeks...craving them so much during this pregnancy
  2. Bubble Baths - I love coming home from a long day and soaking in a nice bubble bath in our huge garden tub..its so wonderful!
  3. Western toilets - I am dreading being really prego and having to use a squatty potty
  4. HOT showers - I am not a fan of cold showers...even when I am really hot I turn on the cold water for .5 seconds and then I am ready for HOT!
  5. Having a space that is just ours! - we are not really sure what our housing accommodations will be in Sudan, we will be staying with the YWAM school, but we are not counting on them providing "couples" or "family" housing - most likely they will have a guys area and a girls combat this we are taking a tent and air mattress with us to make sure that we can stay together, however even that will be a far stretch from the 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home that we have been living in since we got married.
  6. Internet 24/7 - I am so used to being able to pick up my phone and google something or check facebook or e-mail a family member
  7. Electricity - need I explain more?
  8. A normal paycheck - steady income - money

And now for some African blessings (things I am really looking forward to about this trip):

  1. Holding African babies!!! - anyone that knows me knows my love for babies, but African babies steal my heart way faster, their desperate need to be shown love...ahh..I just can't wait to cuddle me some African babies!!
  2. Being dependent on God - some might laugh at is that really a blessing, but in my eyes it really is. You see there is something stretching about being completely dependent on God! When you are working for the Lord and just waiting for Him to provide "the pay check!" I am excited for this because I KNOW that He will provide for our each and every need and I can't wait to just be able to praise Him for taking care of us!
  3. Serving again - since we got married I have taken a step back and allowed myself to really dwell in the presence of the Lord, rather than teaching and serving others. While this time has been SO refreshing and I am positive it was God ordained, I am excited to be serving again!
  4. Wearing flip flops, sandals or going barefoot! - anyone that knows me knows I LOVE shoes, but they also probably know that I love flip flops and being barefoot way more! I am excited to wear sandals and flip flops, to go barefoot and get the red dirt on my feet!
  5. Not being primped! - I am part tom-girl - while I do love being cute every once in awhile, I have never been the girl to take hours getting ready, making sure my hair and make up are perfect! I am excited to be in a culture that doesn't value physical appearances like America does.
  6. Watching my husband in his element! While I have had MANY talks with my husband and I have heard his passion for Africa and missions, I have never been on a mission's trip WITH him! I am excited to be able to watch him in his element and to see the way God strengthens and uses him in powerful ways!
  7. Growth - not only physical (this sweet little baby bump will be growing while we are there) but also spiritual as God stretches us and teaches us so many new things. The other growth I am excited to see is growth in our marriage - I know this trip is going to strengthen our marriage in ways that living a comfortable life in American never could, I am excited, I know that with growth sometimes comes pain - you have to go through the swamp to get to the meadow sometimes - but I am excited none the less to see God strengthen our marriage!
  8. Being right smack dab in the middle of His will for our lives!! While I will miss my American comforts, none of those could come close to knowing that we are exactly where the Lord wants us to be!

So there you have it, the African Blessings far outweigh the American Comforts in my is far better to be where God wants us to be than to just be comfortable! I am so blessed that He has chosen Christopher and I for this journey!!

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