Friday, March 11, 2011


It's hard to believe that I am getting married in 84 days!! I am so excited! Along with that excitement come many questions about the future, from other people and myself. Most of the time when I tell people that I will be moving to Africa as soon as God opens the doors for Christopher and I to be there, people are shocked and surprised! Believe me, it took me awhile for God to convince me that He could use little me in such a big place, far from everything I know and love, but over time He has given me such a heart and passion for this lost and forgotten people, for the widows and the orphans, that when I see pictures and hear stories, my heart aches, I can't wait to be back there serving my God and these people, along side my husband (hehe..I really like the sound of that!) :-)

So the question remains, what does that look like? What will you be doing? Truth? We have absolutely no idea, but we are open to whatever the Lord places before us! I have dreams and visions of our home being constantly open, a safe haven for widows and orphans. A place where we love on and nurture young ones. A place where we come along side widows and help them to nurture their own children, and provide for themselves. I don't want our house to be somewhere that people just come to be spoiled, but rather a place where they come to be taught. Taught about how to raise children, provide for themselves, but most of all I want them to be taught about the love of Christ! I see children playing in the yard (dirt); our own biological children, the orphans we have taken in and the children from the village! I hear laughter and joy bouncing down the dirt roads and through the dirt huts! You see, I know this life will not be easy, I know there will be pain and hurt, I know there will be days when my heart is filled with pain as I watch little ones suffer, but I also know that our God is the great physician and I know that there will also be days when we see healings, both physical and spiritual!! I know there will be days of great joy and days of great sorrow, but I know that no matter what kind of day it is, I will still chose to serve my Father and He will still be good and still be on His throne!

I don't know if these dreams I have will match up with what the Lord has in store for us, but I know that He has a great call on our lives! There have been many times over the past few months when I have thought about the future and been worried, because we don't have a plan, we don't know what is in store. But as I was reading a book the other night for my Evangelism and Discipleship class, the author was talking about when Christ called His disciples. He didn't have some great plan for His ministry, He didn't have a program or a way He was going to change the world. He didn't plan out this amazing ministry and then get leaders, instead He got leaders and then planned the ministry. Jesus didn't use programs and lessons, He used PEOPLE!
I know God has called Christopher and I to go where some people won't go, I know He has called us not to live the "safe" life! I know that He has chosen us to be His "people", now we are just waiting for Him to open the doors and to lead us as we start His "ministry!"

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