Sunday, March 6, 2011

I wanna be a GREEN light!

Ever have those moments where God speaks to you and its almost like a "DUH" moment? Today while I was sitting in the gym during our Crosswalk service listening to Pastor preach about Caleb, I had one of those "DUH" moments! Pastor was talking about how Caleb was a green light when it came to following the Lord! He just went full force, didn't slow down, didn't hesitate, just went! Pastor then went on to talk about being red and yellow light people, people that either completely STOP and sit and wait until they are absolutely sure it is God speaking or people that hesitate and go forward with lots of caution, always wanting to follow God, but doing it with caution!

As I sat there and listened to Pastor preach it was a DUH moment for me, because I am being that "yellow" light person! Don't get me wrong, I'm about to get married and go into full time missions, but even in that my yellow light in the back ground is still going off, I'm still being overly cautious and asking all the "buts" and "what-ifs" that I could ever imagine! My fiance is a complete "Green" light kinda guy, if God say go, Christopher doesn't hesitate, he packs up and is off. I don't want to be the back-seat driver that slows us down but telling him to be careful and waiting. If God says go, I want to trust not only the Lord, but the instincts of my future husband and just go! I want to be a "green light" kinda girl! The girl that is willing to leave it all behind and just go, the kind that doesn't sit back and wonder if it is really, but just trusts that He will close the door if we aren't supposed to be walking through it!

Pastor also shared that his grandmother's prayer for his life became this,
"If there is a door that you want Craig to be walking through and he isn't,
just shove him through it!"

That is going to become my prayer for me!
"God if you want us to go and the "yellow light" in me starts to shine,
will you just shove me through!"


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