Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day!

In less than a month I am getting married to the most amazing guy in the world! Although I am so very excited to begin my life with Christopher, today I can't help but think about my Mom, and the fact that in 27 short days I will leave my father and mother and become one with my husband! My Mom has been the best mother that a girl could ask for! In the last 7 months of wedding planning and medical hoopla, we have become very close! She has gone with me to numerous doctor appointments, been there for me before and after surgeries, doctored me up, and most recently went with me while I had my biopsy done on Friday! Although I knew that Mom was scared and nervous for me, her strength was amazing! We got the call an hour ago that the lump was benign!! (Thank you Jesus!!) She has helped me so much with all the wedding planning and getting everything figured out. She has always been my greatest supporter in everything that I do! We laugh together, we cry together, we can talk about anything with each other!! I am so very blessed to have the best mother in the whole wide world! I know that after I get married our relationship will change, but it is my hope and prayer that through the distance and everything else, that our relationship is only strengthened!! Thanks Mom for loving me unconditionally, forever!!! I love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. I thought I would make it through this day without crying . . . thanks a lot, Emmy (j/k) :) I am so blessed to have 2 wonderful daughters and 3 great sons as well. It is a joy beyond words as a mom watching her children grow in their love and devotion to the Lord. It's only because of your call to serve Him that I can say I'm happy that Christopher is taking you so far away. Happy, and yet, sad as well. Our relationship will change, as it should, so I'm treasuring this time. Time with you and your sister is very precious to me. Know that I will always love you, my Emmy Rose. and don't forget to 'make good choices!'

    love, Mom
